Cut Kawat Shot


Dijieun tina kawat kualitas luhur, unggal partikel dipotong ka panjangna ngeunaan sarua diameter na. Lamun diperlukeun, partikel anu conditioned (rounded) ngaleupaskeun juru seukeut dihasilkeun dina mangsa proses motong. prosedur Quality Control ketat diwajibkeun bisa rancang cut pasamoan kawat shot sadayana spésifikasi industri biasa ogé loba spésifikasi customer individu.

Salaku-motong partikel anu hiji abrasive éféktif alatan edges seukeut dijieun dina prosés motong. Sanajan kitu, sakumaha-motong shot teu shot desirable média peening. Edges seukeut, nu berpotensi ngaruksak kana kahirupan kacapean, kudu dihapus dina prosés nu disebut "udar".

Conditioned Cut Kawat (CCW) makéna ieu normalna dijieun dina dua tingkat udar - Conditioning Normal nu meets sarat bentuk SAEJ441 ​​spésifikasi, sarta Conditioning Special langkung rounded nu meets sarat tina spésifikasi Aerospace kayaning AMS 2431.

Normal Conditioning
Sae J441
Special Conditioning
AMS 2431
Depending on application, various hardness ranges are available with cut wire media. Generally, the higher the hardness of the media, the lower the durability. However for shot peening applications, the shot used should be at least as hard as Almen strips or the part being peened, whichever is harder.Common Hardness Ranges in Carbon Steel Cut Wire Shot are: Blasting Applications – HRC 45-50; Shot Peening high strength parts such as carburized gears and springs HRC 55-60; and Shot Peening softer parts – HRC 50-55.
Versatility – One of the most important aspects of cut wire shot is its versatility. Cut Wire Shot can be made from many materials: Stainless Steels (Type 302, Type 304, Type 430 and others), 1070 Carbon steel of various hardness levels, Aluminum, Zinc and Nickel alloys. Size of media is not limited to the standards. Conditioning is offered in Standard degrees: As-cut, Normal and Special. Other degrees of Conditioning are, and can be supplied as well. Hardness ranges other than those discussed above can also be supplied.

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Pos waktos: Jul-22-2015

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