
  • Disposal and Reuse Options for Used Sandblasting Grit
    Post time: Jun-30-2020

    Sandblasting is used to clean dirt, corrosion, paint or other coatings from a variety of surfaces. The clean grit should in most cases contain no hazardous properties. Common industries where sandblasting is applied include shipbuilding and maintenance, transportation bridge maintenance, and mili...Baca leuwih »

  • Technical Tip: Choosing the Right Garnet Abrasive
    Post time: Jun-03-2020

    Garnet as an Abrasive Garnet has been used for decades as an abrasive in waterjet cutting and sand blasting because of its superior physical properties. When added to high pressure streams of water, garnet abrasive is capable of cutting through tough materials including steel, aluminum, stone, an...Baca leuwih »

  • Why Do Most Waterjet Machines Use Garnet as an Abrasive?
    Post time: May-21-2020

    Abrasives make up one of the most important components in the waterjet cutting process. While a pure waterjet (without abrasives) can cut softer materials like foam and rubber, adding an abrasive substance enhances the jet’s cutting capability — to the point where you can cut glass, steel, and a ...Baca leuwih »

  • ISO Certified Once Again
    Post time: May-13-2020

    China bosun abrasive is proud to announce that we are ISO Certified once again. After completing the demanding administrative requirements for ISO Certification we are ISO 9001 Certified. The scope of our ISO Certification covers the produce and service of abrasive media. the certification cert...Baca leuwih »

  • Properties and Applications of Abrasive Blast Media
    Post time: Apr-20-2020

    China Bosun supplies a wide varierty of Abrasives for blasting, cleaning and stripping primers, paints, powder coating, enamels, rust and scale from steel, bronze, aluminum, stone, brick, wood, rubber, plastics, and composites. Soft Abrasives such as Walnut Shells, Plastic Blast Media and Corn...Baca leuwih »

  • Global Industrial Garnet Market
    Post time: Apr-07-2020

    Garnet is mined as both gemstones and as a material used across industries. High hardness and angular fractures of the garnet has made it viable for various industrial uses such as waterjet abrasive and filtration medium. Maximum use of garnet is found in waterjet cutting followed by abrasive bla...Baca leuwih »

  • Global Cut Wire Shot Market
    Post time: Apr-02-2020

    The global cut wire shot market is expected to grow from USD 921.65 million in 2019 to USD 1269.65 million by 2027, at a CAGR of 4.07% during the forecast period from 2020-2027. Cut wire shot is a mono gain size abrasive, which is used for cleaning, tumbling, and peening. It has a cylindrical sha...Baca leuwih »

  • Ukuran Sandblasting Media Market diperkirakeun ngahontal USD 441,9 juta ku 2023
    waktos pos: Aug-15-2016

    2016-08-15 ukuranana Sandblasting Media Pasar geus diantisipasi tumuwuh di 6,5% CAGR ti 2016 nepi ka 2023. Ukuran média sandblasting pasar Global, dina istilah volume, diatur tumuwuh di saukur dina 6% CAGR. AS sandblasting ukuranana pasar média téh ka ngaleuwihan USD 96 juta ku 2023. sistem blasting Robotic anu incr ...Baca leuwih »

  • Silika-Free Abrasives pikeun blast beberesih
    Pos waktos: Dec-28-2015

    2015-12-28 Abrasives nu ilahar dipaké dina rupa-rupa prosés industri kaasup shaping jeung pagawean komponén dijieun tina rupa-rupa bahan kayaning kai, kaca, beton, plastik, batu, beusi, baja, super-alloy na non- ferrous logam, jeung produk leuwih aheng sapertos jewels, ...Baca leuwih »

  • Peening Téhnologi
    Pos waktos: Dec-15-2015

    2015-12-15 Shot peening mangrupakeun proses kerja tiis anu digunakeun pikeun ngamekarkeun hiji lapisan compressive tur mantuan di modifying sipat mékanis logam hiji. Urang maké dicandak média peening salaku alat pikeun beroperasi dina téhnologi ieu. Ayeuna kudu partikel buleud sarta pegat jeung henteu rata tina tha média ieu ...Baca leuwih »

  • Kabeungkeut Abrasives Market: Analisis Industri Global
    waktos pos: Aug-28-2015

    2015-08-28 Hiji abrasive mangrupakeun bahan anu nalika digosok ngalawan beungeut, ngahasilkeun finish permukaan dipikahoyong jeung wangun. Abrasives téh biasana mineral anu sering aya di rupa-rupa wangun, ukuran sarta jenis. Éta téh biasana dipaké pikeun ngabersihan, grind, scour, abrade atanapi nyabut mate padet ...Baca leuwih »

  • jenis sarta informasi ngeunaan Blasting makéna béda
    waktos pos: Aug-12-2015

    2015-08-12 Blasting diartikeun prosés forecasting propellant dina beungeut polishing beungeut logam atawa tabungan asing ti beungeut jang ngaleupaskeun. Extent blasting kasebut nangtukeun darajat deposit asing di beungeut logam. Utamana nya éta prosés blastin ...Baca leuwih »

  • Cut Kawat Shot
    Pos waktos: Jul-22-2015

    2015-07-22 dijieun tina kawat kualitas luhur, unggal partikel dipotong ka panjangna ngeunaan sarua diameter na. Lamun diperlukeun, partikel anu conditioned (rounded) ngaleupaskeun juru seukeut dihasilkeun dina mangsa proses motong. prosedur Quality Control ketat diwajibkeun bisa manufact ...Baca leuwih »

  • Baja Cut Kawat makéna Ékspor mun Polandia
    Pos waktos: Dec-10-2013

    Eusi: Dina Nopémber 2013, parusahaan urang ékspor 24 ton cut baja kawat makéna pikeun pasar Polandia. Ngaliwatan gawé babarengan ieu kalayan klien kami ngadegkeun hiji koperasi jangka panjang jeung konsumén ku kualitas produk unggulan sarta layanan profésional.   Baca leuwih »

  • Bosun kabukti ka kelas A perusahaan manajemén
    Pos waktos: Dec-20-2012

    2012-12-20 Dina Désémber 2012, Shanghai bosun abrasive ko., LTD hasil kabukti nepi kelas A perusahaan manajemén ti Républik Rahayat adat Cina. Shanghai Bosun parusahaan Abrasive meunang adat A kualifikasi perusahaan manajemén kelas, éta dibuktikeun dasar manajemén sampurna hiji ...Baca leuwih »

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